MARI MENGIRA by Fakhruru

Assalamualaikum dan salam semanis kurma ^_^

Sya join segmen ni. JOM ramai2 skong 1st blog contest ni. :)

Sya suka kira2 ni.. Jumlah CURLY: 80


  1. thanks join support this 1st beLog contest by FakhRuru *tharu 2 saat

    juz ptmbhn info, klu nk tkar jwpn still boleh smpai lar tmat contest.. contest tmat bru lar sya akn check sorng2 yek.. juz nk bgi klonggran, kot2 was2 last2 minute.. hehe!! =P

    so, all the best from beLog FakhRuru (^__^)v


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